Dell India announced the opening of its flagship consumer store in Bangalore. The 1,300 square-feet store offers a wide range of products from the Inspiron, Studio, Alienware and Adamo brands, as well as related peripherals. Co-located with the flagship store is also Dells first consumer service center, where customers can obtain value-added services or resolve their technical issues.
We have rapidly increased our presence in the consumer market over the last year with new exciting products, while continuing to expand our business footprint across India, said Mahesh Bhalla, Director and General Manager of Consumer Sales, Dell India. The launch of Dell exclusive stores last year was just the first step to offer customers a unique shopping experience.
The new Bangalore flagship store is the next evolution to provide a higher level of customer service while enabling us to offer the advantages of Dells direct model with the added benefit of retail availability to browse, touch and experience the product.
Dells unique channel model makes it possible for the customers to see the products on the retail shelves and then place an order for the preferred model with the choice to customize the looks and configuration of the unit.
Dell Exclusive stores play an important role in delivering on the promise of our multi-channel model in India and allow customers to personalize products to their unique requirements. Building further on that, our new flagship store in Bangalore carries the broadest spectrum of our consumer products and demonstrates how todays young-connected generation, students, families, serious multimedia users and gamers can integrate Dells broad range of consumer products into their lifestyle, said Girish Mehta, Director of Consumer Marketing, Dell India. Consumers experience a brand through multiple touch points, and the launch of our new store in Bangalore today supports our brand tagline of yours is here.
Dell is the leading technology provider to commercial enterprises around the world.
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